
Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas Hold Agreement 2024


This agreement shall not constitute or be considered a partnership, employer-employee relations, joint venture or agency between KCI Publishing, Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas/Fugitive Emissions Journal, and the exhibitor. Exhibitor hereby agrees to and does indemnify, hold harmless and defend KCI Publishing and Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas/Fugitive Emissions Journal from and against any and all liability, responsibility, loss, damage, cost, or expense of any kind whatsoever (including, but not limited to cost, interest and attorney’s fees) which KCI Publishing and Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas/Fugitive Emissions Journal may incur, suffer, be put to, pay or be required to pay incident to or arising directly or indirectly from any intentional or negligent act or omission by exhibitor or any of its employees, servants, subcontractors, or agents, subject to the provisions herein.

Exhibitor further agrees that KCI Publishing, Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas/Fugitive Emissions Journal, and their respective agents and employees shall not be responsible in any way for (a) damage, loss or destruction of any property of exhibitors or (b) injury to exhibitor or its representative, agents, subcontractors, employees, licensees, or invitees; and agrees to and does indemnify, hold harmless and defend KCI Publishing and Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas/Fugitive Emissions Journal from any claims arising out of damage, loss or destruction under (a) or (b) herein.


The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages and claims arising out of injury or damage to exhibitor’s displays, equipment, and other property brought upon the exposition premises and shall indemnify and hold harmless KCI Publishing, Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas/Fugitive Emissions Journal, their agents, servants and employees from any and all such losses, damages and claims.


Reasonable care and security during the open hours of the trade show from the beginning of set-up through dismantling is our policy. KCI Publishing and Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas/Fugitive Emissions Journal, however, are not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage of property belonging to the exhibitor, exhibitor’s employees, or exhibitor’s representatives.


Federal, State and City Laws must be strictly observed. Wiring must comply with fire department and underwriters’ rules. Smoking in exhibits is prohibited. Crowding will be restricted. Aisles and fire exits cannot be blocked by exhibits.

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